MorningStar Movement and Bodywork

Relax...Release...Move into the World!

Movement Coaching

We normally think of the space that surrounds us as something that is empty, something that separates us from the other.  But are there greater possibilities for movement if we change our way of thinking about space?  Instead of looking at space as something that is a void and our essence as being limited to the confines of our body, what would happen if we were able to extend ourselves beyond our bodies into the surrounding space?  Then space can become a medium that connects us, one to the other.  It can be said that the Spacial Dynamics® movement approach is the study and discipline of enhancing the human being’s relationship to his/her body and the surrounding space.


"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes."  -- Marcel Proust


How is the Spacial Dynamics® movement approach able to affect our relationship to space? 
 By engaging in specific, carefully designed activities, exercises, and games a person can discover unconscious movement patterns and gestures which then can be brought to greater awareness and retrained through imaginations and gentle indications of the natural movement streams of the body.


"Each organism, no matter how simple or complex, has around it a sacred bubble of space, a bit of mobile territoriality which only a few other organisms are allowed to penetrate and then only for short periods of time."  -- Edward  T. Hall


How might the Spacial Dynamics® movement approach help with my pain?
As we face, or even just think about, our daily stresses, our body reacts.  It may tighten and pull in ways that create imbalances and cause pain.  In my work I’ve found it usually isn’t enough say, “Drop your shoulders,” or “Suck in your stomach,” to effectively and safely create lasting change.  At best, such statements make you aware of part of your body for a while, and cause you to “hold” it in place---not a very satisfying feeling.  Instead, through Spacial Dynamics®, you are encouraged and trained to sense the space around your body.  If you can relax the space, the body will follow, and the result is a position or posture that you can hold longer and with less conscious attention.  It becomes a more natural position, not forced or held in place.

Because each part of the body has its own natural streams, if the therapist can help you learn and feel what the natural movement tendency (stream) is, you will be able to consciously relax the affected area in a way that leads to increased awareness and possibly less pain.


"I feel it now....there's a power in me to grasp and give shape to my world. I know that nothing has ever been real without my beholding it."  -- Rainer Maria Rilke


What other conditions can Spacial Dynamics® movement education help me with? 
Spacial Dynamics® is featured in the book, The Fourfold Path to Healing by Dr. Thomas Cowan with Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillan. (Jaimen McMillan developed Spacial Dynamics®.)  In this book, specific Spacial Dynamics® exercises, supplemental to care by a doctor, are indicated for these and other conditions:

  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Weight Loss

Please note, Spacial Dynamics® is not a substitute for medical care.


"Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom."  -- Viktor Frankl


What can I expect during my individual session of Spacial Dynamics®? 
There is no one answer to this question.  Every session and every individual is different.  During our first visit, I’ll start by taking a history and having a conversation with you about what your concerns and goals are.  I will observe you in movement; I might ask you to walk or follow me in some movement sequences.  From this assessment, we will most likely start with some posture work, making you aware, through imaginations, of a more natural way to hold yourself upright.  We may then do some activities that will illustrate principles of movement, e.g. gravity/levity; contraction/expansion, etc.  We may also do some slow movement sequences, with the goal of becoming more conscious of how your body is moving through space.  I may do some gentle hands-on work to indicate more desirable movement streams that your body can follow.  I will usually give you some follow-up exercises for you to do at home.


"It seems God will not come into the world uninvited or undesired.  An invitation, an open space, is all that God seems to need or want."  -- Richard Rohr


How many sessions will it take? 
 A series of 4 to 6 sessions to learn and understand the principles and exercises is a good start, along with at-home practice between sessions.  Attending classes might also be a way for you to continue working in this new way with movement and space.


"The extent of your consciousness is limited only by your ability to love and to embrace with your love the space around you, and all it contains."  -- Napoleon Bonaparte


How should I dress for my Spacial Dynamics® session? 
Any loose, comfortable clothing that allow for full movement is desirable.  You may choose to work in shoes or without shoes, depending on your comfort.  You will be fully clothed for your session.


"The boundary is the best place to gain knowledge"  -- Paul Tillich


Please contact me if you have any further questions or want to learn about upcoming classes.  I also invite you to look at the Spacial Dynamics® Institute website for a further discussion of this approach to movement and health:


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