MorningStar Movement and Bodywork

Relax...Release...Move into the World!

Upcoming Events



Agile Aging Classes

Have fun learning how to

*  develop and maintain balance and stability,

*  build brain fitness,

*  connect with others,

using exercises and activities that are full of life.


Agile Aging® is a new approach to movement for mature adults. The program incorporates the principles of Spacial Dynamics® with the latest brain research.  This program can help any adult maintain or recapture freedom of movement.


Day:  Thursdays, ongoing; contact me for the current schedule

Time:  1:30-2:45 pm

Location:  2717 Cottage Way #14, Sacramento, CA 95825

Cost:$15/class; discounts for a series signup

Registration:  916-668-0637  

Class size is limited!  Registration is strongly advised.


Moving into Healing:Movement Meditations from "The Fourfold Path to Healing"

This Moving into Healing class series will cover maintenance movements as well as specific sequences for health conditions as presented in "The Fourfold Path to Healing" by Dr. Tom Cowan,  Sally Fallon and Jaimen McMillan, founder of Spacial Dynamics®.  In each class we will focus on both areas.  These movement meditations are useful for anyone, not just those with the specific ailment(s) of the evening.  This class is not a replacement for treatment; everyone should consult his/her doctor or health professional for any health concerns. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with "The Fourfold Path to Healing."

Day: Mostly first Tuesdays, September 2018 to June 2019 (10 classes)

Time:  6:30-8:00 pm

Where: 2717 Cottage Way, #14, Sacramento 95825

Cost:  $25/class or $100/5 classes

Registration: 916-668-0637   Class size is limited.

A $25 deposit is required to hold your place for the series.  Single session availability will depend on the enrollment of those who have paid for a series.

Tentative schedule of topics:

Sept 4, 2018: Cancer

October 2, 2018: Back pain

November 6, 2018: Infectious Disease

December 4, 2018: Adrenals; Digestion

January: 8, 2019: Arthritis; Chronic Fatigue

February: 5, 2019:  Depression

March: 5, 2019:  Women’s Issues

April: 2, 2019: Men’s Issues; Neurological Issues

May: 7, 2019: Hypertension

June: 4, 2019:   Weight Loss


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